Please find below additional resources for your Fall Detox. Click the links to view or downl0ad the PDF attachments.

Where We Are Heading

We will ….
Embrace the power of plants:
Mother nature knows best – the old adage contains great wisdom. Let her
bounty this season nourish you inside and out. Everything that we need
grows in her wild kingdom
Dive deep:
Be curious. Explore. Ask questions and go deep. Wellness is a
relationship, not a one night stand. Commit to the power of commitment.
Commit to your intentions. Own them. Evolve with them.
Bring consistency for break-throughs:
What we do every day counts more than what we do every once in awhile.
When simple acts of self-care become habits, we catalyze change. Focus
less on the end goal and more on the acts that serve you daily.
Crowd out:
Bring your focus on adding in good habits and less on what you are giving
up! When you commit too positive and healthy choices, there is less time
and desire for patterns that don’t serve you. Choose healthy abundance,
not deprivation. Welcome the shift!
Make space:
Clear the way. Making space creates clarity of mind and calm in the body.
Get rid of what’s weighing you down. Elevate to a higher state of being –
this is where true transformation lies.
Love is letting go:
We will be saying good-bye (for 7 days) to: dairy products, animal protein,
gluten, flour products, alcohol, sugar and coffee.


~ Investment: $97
~ Registration by October 1:
~ WhatsApp group set up for inspiration and support.
~ Preparation email: To your inbox Friday, October 16
~ Cleanse Kick-Off Zoom call, Saturday, October 17 @ 10:00 am
~ Cleanse Integration Zoom call, Saturday, October 24 @ 10:00 am
Zoom Call details:
download to your computer
Kim’s Zoom number: 412-734-1772
WhatsApp downloaded onto your Smart Phone. Be sure you have filled out the cleanse
waiver with your telephone number for your smart phone.
We are super excited to offer you this healthful experience!
Kim and Karen

Dry Brushing And Oil Recipe

• improve circulation
• stimulate and cleanse the lymphatic system
• smooth and tighten the skin
• exfoliate for better health of the skin
Doing the dry brush practice before your shower or bath at least 3-4 times a week
supports the entire body inside and out.
After shower or bath:
Lubricate the skin with the highest quality pure ingredients. The skin is the largest
organ. Everything that you put on the surface, enters the body.
apply after shower or bath
4 ounces Fractionated Coconut Oil
Essential oils:
• 5 juniper
• 5 lavender
• 5 rose geranium
• 5 grapefruit
Add ingredients to a glass or quality plastic bottle. Massage into damp skin after
shower or bath.
Dry Body Brush for lymphatic massage, plastic free:
Essential Oils:
Planet Therapy – you can purchase direct. These are high quality oils