Spreading the Power of Hope

We see it. We feel it. We know it. We become it.
Each one of us has choices when facing experiences on our life’s journey: we can shrink or we can grow. We can react or we can respond. We can let fears and judgments define us or we can define ourselves and learn how to trust our authentic expression of who we wish to be in this world. What we give our energy to grows. When we grow with it, our life expands and so does the connection to our self, our family and our world.
That’s why the AHA! community shares one core mission: to offer Hope – and the tools to cultivate it – on the path to Growth and Healing.
We believe the journey to health and well being begins with Hope. Hope is not wishful thinking or ungrounded reality. It is faith that happiness exists. Hope emboldens us to believe that we are worthy of love and deserve a chance to grow and thrive. It makes life more like a learning playground and gives each one of us the power to heal.
Hope also helps us navigate the changing tides by guiding us to find the connection to what we at AHA! believe are the 10 most important tools for living a happy, healthy life: we call these the Stepping Stones to Happiness. While these don’t actually give you a magic wand or super powers, the Stepping Stones to Happiness can help you overcome challenges and become the person you wish to be.
We believe a world with creative happy people is a world worth creating. We hope you will join our growing community on your path to health, healing and happiness.
May all beings …
Find Hope
Know Peace
Be Happy
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